Legal Notices


The data of the owner of this Website are:


NIF: B-67581017

Address: Calle Escultor Llimona, 9, 08328 Alella (Barcelona)

Tel: +34 935 403 781


Registry Registration: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Sheet B-547679, Folio 199, Volume 47,296.


  • The use of this Website attributes the status of user and implies full and unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice at the moment the user accesses the Website. Therefore, the user must read this Legal Notice in detail each time they intend to use the Website, taking into account that it may be modified.
  • Browsing and using this Website is free of charge, without requiring subscription or prior registration.
  • WASHNET FACTORY, S.L. reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice without prior notice, therefore, and for correct use of the Website, we recommend that you periodically visit this section.


© 2021, WASHNET FACTORY, S.L. All rights reserved.

  • This Website and the contents included in it: articles, texts, images, logos, brands, buttons, software, etc. They are protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property and are the property of the owner or third parties who have authorized their use to the owner, exploitation without the owner’s authorization being expressly prohibited.
  • Access to this Website does not imply, in any case, the acquisition by users of any property rights over the contents contained therein.
  • The owner reserves the right to modify, update or delete any of the contents of this Website, at any time and without prior notice.
  • Those people who wish to establish a “link” or hyperlink between their Web page and this Website must obtain the express written authorization of the owner, without this implying a relationship between it and the owner of the page in which the link is established. “link”, nor the approval or acceptance by the owner of its contents or services. Deep links to other pages (“deep links”), framing (“framing”), as well as any other unauthorized form are expressly prohibited.


Any type of exploitation is prohibited, including all types of reproduction, distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication and transformation, through any type of support and means of the aforementioned works, creations and distinctive signs without prior and express authorization from their respective owners. . Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an offense punishable by current legislation.


  • The owner reserves the right to interrupt access to its Website, as well as the provision of any service through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, maintenance or any other reason.
  • The owner does not guarantee continued access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained on the Website, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control and/or are a consequence of the intentional or culpable action of the user.
  • The information contained on this Website may not be correct, despite the efforts made to ensure its accuracy and updating. Consequently, the owner is not responsible for any errors contained, nor for any damages or losses arising from its use.
  • This Website may contain links to other websites for whose content, usefulness or accuracy the owner cannot be held responsible. The incorporation of a link on this Website cannot be considered a recommendation to users to proceed with their use; the decision to use them is the responsibility of the latter.
  • The owner is not responsible for any damages arising from the use of this Website or its contents, and does not guarantee the absence of viruses or the impossibility of causing damage to the user’s computer systems.
  • The owner is not responsible for any misuse that may be made of this Website.


The conditions of this Website and the relationships between the user and the owner. They will be governed by Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. To know any discrepancy that may arise between the user and the owner, they are submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).

Text updated in January 2022.