Important statement: Drought emergency situation has been decreed in Catalonia

Alella, 1 February 2024

This morning the Government of Catalonia has decreed the emergency situation due to drought due to the water levels of areas such as the Ter-Llobregat system that affects some 6 million people. In view of this situation, we want to convey to you how these measures impact the development of our activity.

According to local authorities, an urgent measure has been put in place that limits water use to 200 liters per person per day. This decision has been taken due to the worrying situation of the water supply in the region, with only 16% of reserves available.

At Washnet Factory and Elefante Azul, companies belonging to Grupo Moure, we remain committed to the responsible preservation of our water resources:

  • The Blue Elephant Centers make a significant contribution to water conservation. According to what has been published, with a domestic wash you can consume up to 400 liters of water per wash. However, in the Elefante Azul washing centres, consumption is drastically reduced depending on the washing system chosen: in pressure washing the average consumption drops to 60 litres of water, in automatic tunnel washing to 120 litres and in gantry washing to 160 litres of water.
  • At Washnet Factory, a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and installation of washing centres for Elefante Azul, as well as for other customers in the carwash sector, advanced technologies and water recirculation systems are used in its washing centres.
  • In turn, Washnet Factory also develops and offers special systems for water recirculation in vehicle wash centres.
  • The constant monitoring and control system of our washing centers allows us to evaluate and improve our practices in relation to water consumption.

This announced measure could be extended to other areas of Catalonia, as well as other Autonomous Communities, given the current situation of water scarcity. At Elefante Azul and Washnet Factory we want to promote responsible use of water.

For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

We appreciate your trust placed in us.

Kind regards

Blue Elephant and Washnet Factory